Ecoseeds Thyme Garden Seeds



(Thymus vulgaris)
Perennial to 30 cm. It likes dry sunny spot, chalky soil. Grow in a bright spot indoors for continued supplies in winter and convenience. Probably originated in the Mediterranean and introduced to Northern Europe by the Romans. It retains flavour well when leaves dried or used fresh.

4 in stock

SKU: A2681 Categories: ,

Use with meat dishes and stuffing, shellfish, in cottage or cream cheese, salad dressings, sauces and soups. It aids digestion of fat and contains Vitamin C. Main medicinal role is as an antiseptic used externally on wounds or internally for respiratory and digestive infections, an expectorant, an antispasmodic and a carminative. An excellent cough remedy, easing sore throats and soothing irritable coughs. As a tea use as remedy for headaches and other nervous ailments, plus it prevents mildew.