Organic Nation Nutmeg Powder 50G

Certified Organic


Nutmeg has a sweet, nutty, resinous and warming fragrance and flavour that complements sweet and savoury foods. It is most often associated with sweet dishes such as rice pudding as the spice enhances natural sweetness in food but is also a key spice in béchamel sauce for lasagne and tastes fantastic with pumpkin or cheese dishes.


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Nutmeg and mace are different parts of the same fruit of the nutmeg tree. Nutmeg is the seed kernel inside the fruit and mace is the lacy covering (aril) on the kernel. The nutmeg kernel is oval, about 25 millimetres in length, lightly wrinkled, dark brown on the outside and lighter brown in the inside. The tree is native to the Banda Islands in Indonesia and has been used in China, Asia and India for around 2000 years.

Nutmeg is the dried seed of the fruit of an evergreen. Warm and sweet, nutmeg adds depth to desserts and savory dishes alike. Sprinkle it on your eggnog, but try it on your potatoes, too!

Nutmegs flavor is a bit sweeter, but more robust than the flavor of mace. Its traditionally used in Italian sausages, Middle Eastern lamb recipes, and various spice blends (some curry powder and garam masala blends, for example). Europeans use it in potato dishes, sauces, baked goods and processed meats.